Testing the Payable Skype Chat Bot to create and find a Purchase order in D365 #Dyn365FO

A chat bot recently developed by my colleagues Amir Nazim and Zain Khan at Mazik Global got me excited for how much room there is for enhancing the AX user experience and simplifying day to day tasks of an ERP end user. This chat bot right now enables you to find an existing purchase order in AX within a few seconds and also has the option of letting you create a purchase order in AX by answering a few questions of the bot. So if you are an end user that’s on the go or is finding it too cumbersome to open AX just to see details of a purchase order  you can simply hit up this bot and get it to do the work for you.  See the video below in which I talk to this bot to perform these tasks for me without having to say please. This showcases the true power of Odata entities and the bot framework.

For information on how to create a similar bot visit:

  1. Payable Bot Dynamics ax 365

  2. Purchase Order Chat-bot application with OData endpoints using WebApi in D365 for Operations


How to Read a Trace log etl file in Dynamics AX 2012

In my previous post I showed how to capture a Trace of Payment Term creation that results in an etl file being generated. To read that trace we need to have Microsoft Dynamics AX Trace Parser installed. You do not need to be on the same machine that you took the trace on, you only need the ETL file. In the below video I quickly go over how to read a Trace file and the different options Trace parser provides. To see how to capture a trace read: How to capture a Trace log of any process in Dynamics AX 2012

How to capture a Trace log of any process in Dynamics AX 2012

Often times debugging a process is not enough to identify a bug or a query that is taking too long or the scenario only happens on a specific machine be it production or test and we need to get to the bottom of what is wrong that causes the issue. This calls for tracing the process and stepping through each cycle as it happened, thanks to Trace parser and the tracing cockpit provided in Dynamics AX 2012 we can capture every query executed and method called during that process. In the below video I show how to capture a trace log of any process.