Till when do I keep trying?

Everyone has dreams, not all come true but those who chase after their dreams often wonder till when do you chase them? what time should one give up? what if its just not going to happen? First of all know this that every successful person who has achieved his or her dream and made the impossible possible has had these thoughts many times over during their journey and what led them to success was ignoring these thoughts and never giving up.

Never stop trying, you might be this close.


The picture above says it all. The dream dies when we want it to die. Worked too hard, take a break but don’t quit and get back on it with a fresh mind and will to achieve it this time around. Perfecting something takes time and so does achieving something big or doing something different. Normal is not what you want to be, do you ever refer to a billionaire as normal or the top athlete normal; think for a moment would you ever call Mr. Usain Bolt normal? the answer in your mind is probably no because people like that are extra ordinary! they are not even close to the average Joe. To be successful, to be an achiever and to be ahead of the game; you have to be not normal; you gotta do what others don’t; think what others don’t so you can achieve what others don’t. Now go out there and never quit! Be consistent and show persistence towards your goals so you may one day achieve them.


O ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear Allah.that ye may prosper (Surah Al-Imran, 200)