Debugging without a startup project or startup Object in D365

To debug without setting up a startup project and startup object in D365 fotr operations. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your object in visual studio
  2. Place breakpoints
  3. Goto Debug>attach to process and check show processes from all users
  4. Select w3wp.exe and click attach.


You can execute your process now from the client and execution will be stopped at your breakpoints.


Breakpoint symbols not loading AX7/D365

Recently faced a problem where my breakpoints weren’t loading for objects in the AOT that were not in my solution and therefore I could not debug.

Solution: In order to load symbols for objects that have not been included in your solution you have to uncheck the following check box.

Dynamincs365>Options>Dynamics 365>Debugging
Load symbols only for items in the solution


To know more about how to debug in D365 visit: Debug X++